Things Mum needs to know when traveling with babies to beach
Summer is the season of cruises so many families have planned for beach resort tours to enjoy the cool and windy air in the famous beaches. In addition to restaurants, entertainments, and hotels, mothers when bringing their children to the sea should remember the following notes to ensure absolute safety for the baby, and avoid health problems or unfortunate accidents.
Cruise Trips
Swimming on Beach
Always let the children swim within your control
As traveling to the beaches or rivers and streams, the adult must always control children. You just permit children to play in areas near the coast, with the parents next to keep swimming buoy. Many parents are often subjective to let children self-administer the buoy. This is very dangerous because children can be swept away without knowing it. In some cases, waves wreck the buoy that you do not react in time.
Avoid getting a cold
Children often like playing with water which is easy to make them get a cold, leading to fever. Therefore, the ideal time for the children to play in the water or the sun is no more than 2 hours continuously.
Mum should prepare carefully when bringing children on a beach vacation
After landing, you have to immediately prepare a dry towel to wipe body and wash by clean water and wear dry cloth for children. Even when in the land, the wet body also causes your child to cold. The bathing which is not clean sea water also makes baby skin itch and allergy.
Avoid being heatstroke
In addition to the risk of cold, It is also very easy to get heatstroke when baby plays outdoors under the intense sunshine of the sea. The mother should prepare a thick hat to shield babies by the sunshine. You make sure to cover your baby's head and neck from direct sunlight and let children not go out and play from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM because this time the sun is the most acute.
Eat when traveling
Except for breastfed infant and weaning child, while traveling to the sea, parents need to know what seafood your children have any allergies. You should not feed your children strange foods they never eat because if allergy occurs. It is very difficult to manage and even can be dangerous to life. Mothers should avoid seafood with a high level of mercury, such as siganus canaliculatus, swordfish, tuna, or mackerel, etc.

Aid in accident
Drowning accident
If there is an incident when swimming, you need to quickly call for help from those around, particularly the nearest rescue team. After taking the child ashore, check his breathing tract If there is a strange thing in the mouth or nasal, you must get it out, then incline the child to breathe. If the child stops breathing, you should immediately perform artificial respiration until the child breathes again, then quickly take him to the nearest medical facility.
Heatstroke condition
Immediately, you should take your child into the shade, indoors, gently fan, and should not put the child in an air-conditioning room, which will cause heat shock condition. You wipe his body with cool water and let him drink oresol. If his condition becomes worse, you take him to the hospital.