
The Republic of Turkmenistan is located in  Central Asia which shares borders with Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. A part of western Turkmenistan is bordered by the Caspian Sea. Today, Turkmenistan is still considered a 'mysterious' country that you should visit once. 

In the past, Turkmenistan has a turbulent history. The country is an important landmark in the ancient Silk Road journey.

Turkmenistan currently consists of five provinces and three cities. With an area of 488,100 km², Turkmenistan is the 52nd largest country in the world, with a population of 5.7 million people. More than 80% of the territory is the desert.

The country is surrounded by two Balkan Mountains Turkmen in the west and the Kugitang Mountains in the east which form many rivers, of which the Amu Darya, Murghab, and Hari Rud rivers are the most famous ones. There are wheat fields, cotton fields, and lush valleys formed to make up for the vast desert.

With a lot of efforts, Turkmenistan has slowly escaped the isolation and has become friendly with tourists. In the 43 degrees Celsius of summer, people enjoy watching strange scenery all around along the ancient Silk Road. Merv, formerly an oasis in the middle of the vast Karakum Desert on the Silk Road was once the most populous city in the world, but now it is quiet with timeless architecture. The capital of Turkmenistan – Ashgabat, also known as the "White City," is recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's most white marble city.